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Tales Runner
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전체 (13)
Global News (13)
Ticket Reservations Open for Smilegate Indie Game Festival ‘Burning Beaver 2022’
■Ticket reservations open from November 14 (Mon) for indie game festival Burning Beaver 2022■A festive landscape for experiencing the current Korean indie game cultureIt was announced on November 14 (Mon) that ticket reservations will open for indie game festival ‘Burning Beaver 2022’ hosted by the …
Smilegate STOVE Growing into a Mobile/PC Game + Entertainment Content Platform
■Interview with Smilegate STOVE CEO Young-woon Han■Service for popular games such as top global game LOST ARK, but main force behind global success should be indie games■Support and investment provided for amateur discovery platform in anticipation of growing the game ecosystem through the ‘diversit…
Smilegate Foundation Achieves 1671 Percent of Target Donation Goal
■All six ongoing campaigns exceeded target donation amounts■Voluntary donation campaign by LOSTARK users■Smilegate leads the way in forging a bond of sympathy through gamesThe procession of voluntary donations by users of Smilegate’s RPG “LOSTARK” continued last weekend, resulting in all six donati…
Smilegate Megaport Wins Social Contribution Excellence Award at the “2021 Korea Game Awards”
■ Social contribution activities with direct participation from gamers and employees… Leading a gaming culture that spreads positive influence■ Educational, medical, cultural, and daily support for vulnerable children locally and abroad, as well as contributions to overcome natural disasters and COV…
's, 'Save Our Sea' campaign completed with donating $10K
■ Raised $10K through a Tales Runner in-game event and donated to the Korea Green Foundation's 'Put Away Garbage on Earth Campaign.'■ Smilegate Megaport employees participate in river purification activities as a token of appreciation for user participation[2021-1008] Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jan…
Smilegate “
” Launches New Event for Children’s Day!
※ This article was written on April 28th, 2021■Henry III's plan for finding innocence for the people of Tales Land!■Tales Runner Q, challenge to guess the names of maps by looking at enlarged pictures![2021-0428]Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jang) announced on the 28th (Wednesday) that it will hold…
Smilegate “
”, Introduces a New Character “Xionell Claus”!
※ This article was written on July 21st, 2021■Claus family prince of the Kingdom of Joy... Officially available and raffle prizes for buyers■New map “Boggle Boggle Air Tank”… A relay race with an air tank![2021-0721]Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jang) announced on the 21st (Wednesday) that it has …
Smilegate’s “
” Officially Opens “Emotion Islands” Channel!
■A cool adventure for 3 months on Emotion Islands! Many rewards for new and returning users■Two new maps, the "Kingdom of Joy Expeditions" and "Operation Daegul-daegul”[2021-0707]Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jang) announced on the 7th (Wednesday) that it will update its new channel "Emotion Islan…
Envisioning a Bright Future for Gaming on Public Entertainment TV! We Can Game Review
Smilegate Marketing Membership provides college students who are passionate about Smilegate and its IP business with opportunities to participate in PR/Marketing content. The program provides marketing experience, mentoring from staff members, professional lectures on the industry, activity funds, a…
Releases Updated Roadmap in Online Showcase “The Next Show”!
※ The article was written on June 30th, 2021■Detailed description of "Emotion Island", winter updates, and Season 3 roadmap announcements■Mysterious new character revealed for the first time and large-scale improvement based on user feedback[2021-0630]Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jang) released on th…