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‘코로나 시대’ 속에서 빛난 기업의 선한 영향력
글로벌 명품 브랜드가 핸드백 대신 마스크를 만들고, 화장품 기업이 손 소독제를 생산한다. 라인이 잠시 멈춘 자동차 공장에서 만들어지는 것은 다름 아닌 인공호흡기다. 불과 반년 전만 해도 상상하기 어렵던 ‘코로나 시대’를 사는 기업의 모습이다.유례없는 팬데믹 시대는 일상을 바꾸는 데 그치지 않고, 나아가 기업의 영향력을 새롭게 조명한다. 스마일게이트 역시 가장 잘 할 수 있는 일로 코로나19 극복을 위해 노력하고 있다. 구성원을 안전하게 보호하는 것은 물론 게임의 선한 영향력으로 복지 사각지대에 놓인 이들을 돕는다. 각자의 자리에서…
Crossfire: Sierra Squad is the “VR-Game-Changer”
“Fresh technology makes fresh entertainment”KaySangkyoon Lee,Director of Crossfire: Sierra SquadThe CROSSFIRE franchise, having more than one billion players around the world, is one of the largest video game franchises in Korea. This coming summer of 2023, Crossfire: Sierra Squad, the first VR game…
Smilegate虚拟艺人HAN YUA绽放可爱魅力的首次画报拍摄
■虚拟艺人HAN YUA首次拍摄《Y magazine》时尚画报……以“与地球的初次交流”为主题散发清纯魅力■Smilegate表示“现在是一个可以与虚拟艺人合作的时代”,并非常期待HAN YUA今后作为艺人的成长可能性12日,Smilegate虚拟艺人HAN YUA公开了近期拍摄的时尚杂志画报。通过此次主题为“与地球的初次交流”的画报,可以欣赏到虚拟艺人HAN YUA的多重魅力。拥有迷人外表的HAN YUA于画报中不仅展现了自然清秀的模样,端庄干练的氛围感也演绎得淋漓尽致。由多家主流奢侈品牌参与的此次画报,展现了HAN YUA可爱又有格调的形象。她不仅像花朵一样娇俏可爱,与世界交流的角度也不…
Smilegate's Virtual Artist Han YuA's first photoshoot of blooming loveliness
■Virtual artist Han YuA's first fashion photoshoot for Y magazine... Showing off her pure charm in the concept of 'the first blooming communion with the earth'■"The time of working in cooperation with virtual artists has arrived," Smilegate expresses its full expectation for Han YuA's potential as a…
NEXT STEP, NEXT LEVEL! CFS 2020 Grand Final Sends Message of Hope
The CFS 2020 Grand Final, the top festival for CROSSFIRE fans around the world, is scheduled to start. CFS is a competition to determine the best CROSSFIRE professional team in the world. Due COVID-19, it is not possible to have a large event like the previous years. Smilegate decided to hold the co…
Passion Meets Judgement for Great Synergy!
Smilegate Entertainment CF Live Development Studio created CROSSFIRE which is serviced in more than 80 countries around the world and has over 8 million simultaneous users. We met with Planning Team 2 who are creating a synergy effect in capturing users’ hearts through passion and judgement.[Inter…
Smilegate Chairman HyukBin Kwon Receives the First Order of Cultural Merit in the Game Industry
|A leading role in game IP diversification, contributing to raising the status of the game industry"2020 Korea Content Awards" is an award ceremony for the video, games, comics, animation, and characters industry. It promotes the development of the Korean cultural content industry by awarding outsta…
CFS Creators Vividly Capture CFS Live!
※ The article was written on July 6th, 2021CROSSFIRE STARS (CFS) is the best festival for global CROSSFIRE fans.CFS is an e-sports league of CROSSFIRE, serviced in about 80 countries around the world. It has hosted its league every year since 2013, and has since become the world’s No.1 FPS global ga…
The Past, Present, Future of VR Games
※ The article was written on September 19th, 2019Virtual reality (VR) is an old future. VR was considered to have high market potential, but expectations and disillusionment of new technologies were repeated and never quite became popularized. In a way, it resembles our lives where we have the poten…
[The excitement of esports, beyond traditional sports] Part 1 | History of esports: From Space War! to WCG
Since when did humankind start to love someone fight? Fighting doesn't necessarily mean fist-fighting. People enjoy watching players compete fiercely. That was the fight of ancient gladiators, and so is the modern sport. Let's look into esports, the most advanced form of fighting.|World's first game…