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전체 (7)
Global News (6)
인디게임 공작소 (1)
The Past, Present, Future of VR Games
※ The article was written on September 19th, 2019Virtual reality (VR) is an old future. VR was considered to have high market potential, but expectations and disillusionment of new technologies were repeated and never quite became popularized. In a way, it resembles our lives where we have the poten…
Supporting the Possibilities of Indie Game Creators, 2021 Smilegate Indie Game Contest Meet-up and Ceremony
※ The article was written on June 3rd, 2021“If you want to become a millionaire, make a successful indie game!”This is a phrase that has been around in the game industry for a while. Since the mid-2010s, the indie game industry has grown rapidly and produced great hits. "Minecraft," the epitome of s…
Interview of the Winners, 2021 Smilegate Indie Game Contest
※ The article was written on June 3rd, 2021The “2021 Smilegate Indie Game Creation Contest” with the slogan of “Take care of tomorrow’s indie games” ended in March. The ceremony and meet-up day was held on May 21st as the final event. This event marked the success of the Smilegate Foundation Future …
Find your favorite indie game at Stove Indie #3
The fun of puzzle games is endless. Time simply flies when solving puzzles. The exhilarating sense of achievement you feel when you complete a difficult puzzle makes you challenge the next stage. In Stove Indie, you can enjoy a fun puzzle game with a variety of backgrounds in 3D. Introducing <The…
6 pm, Kim Dae-ri Puts on His Flippers
* Dae-ri is a title of a staff level in a Korean company6 pm, it's time to leave the office. All office workers have the same thing in mind: going home and taking a break or drink with friends. However, some people go to meet their coworkers again even after work. It's not an official dinner party o…
Smilegate's attitude towards ceremonies in the "Ontact" era!
|Smilegate's "Ontact" solution to a world changed by COVID-19Everything is changing around us. Social distancing continues because of COVID-19, which is leading to more changes. The way we work is changing from going to the office to working from home, and it has become harder to grab a meal at a re…
스토브 인디에서 만나는 ‘인생 인디게임’ #3
퍼즐의 매력은 끝이 없다. 뿔뿔이 흩어진 퍼즐 조각을 맞추다 보면 시간은 순삭되기 일쑤다. 어려운 난이도의 퍼즐을 완성했을 때 느끼는 짜릿한 성취감은 계속해서 다음 스테이지에 도전하게 만든다. 스토브 인디에서는 다양한 배경의 재밌는 퍼즐 게임을 3D로 즐길 수 있다. 아름답고 감성적인 분위기의 <더 소전>과 독창적인 스토리를 가진 <Someday>를 소개한다.|감성적인 그래픽과 음악이 돋보이는 퍼즐 게임, <더 소전>“퍼즐 명작들의 가장 훌륭한 요소만 따온 게임”- PCGamesN“영민한 레벨 디자인…