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Metahuman Artist YuA (Han YuA) Releases Remake of Single ‘When Your Loneliness Calls Me’
■YuA releases remake of Jang Pil-soon classic ‘When Your Loneliness Calls Me’■Based on the concept of a letter to ‘deliver heartwarming comfort to the people’ and featuring an emotionally appealing piano melody■Brilliant musical performance with participation of artists from world-renowned music pro…
Smilegate Entertainment Celebrates CFS Grand Finals’ 10th event
CROSSFIRE Franchise Reaches 80 Countries Globally,670 Million Total Registered Users and 8 Million Concurrent Players Worldwidewith a Total of 1 Billion Cumulative in PC and mobile platformsSmilegate Entertainment, creators of the blockbuster billion-dollar franchise, CROSSFIRE, celebrates the 10th …
Korean Online Game in Japan?
Beginning of Lost Ark’s Success in Japan
Can a Korean game become popular in Japan which is considered a global game powerhouse? You can speculate the potential of Korean games in Japan through Korea’s representative MMORPG Lost Ark.Lost Ark became the No. 1 online game in popularity in Japan with abundant interest from Japanese gamers, tw…
STOVE Indie Launches “Yooka-Laylee” in Korea with Events!
■ British developer “Playtonic” platform game series… Official support for Korean for user convenience■ Famous streamers scheduled to play Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair on the 9th, coupons and rewards to be distributed[2021-0708] Smilegate STOVE (CEO Han Young Woon) announced on the 8th (Thur…
Smilegate “Tales Runner” Holds Summer Break “System of Emotion” Event
※ The article was written on June 23rd, 2021■Event will go on until the scheduled check-up on the 7th of next month, a total of 11 kinds of rewards available■NPC duel mode added… battles with Tales Runner characters[2021-0623]Smilegate Megaport’s (CEO Ina Jang) popular online racing game “Tales …
excitement of esports, beyond traditional sports] Part 2 | Why we watch esports
|Do you like esports?'Do you like sports?''Yes, very much. Cuz I'm a gamer.'This conversation might seem strange in the past, but not anymore. Not long ago, or even today, some people don't recognize games as a sport. The beginning of the game was just a mean of entertainment. However, the game indu…
Beauty of Balance in FPS Games
If you are not a game player, you will have no idea what's going on when watching a game streaming channel. But countless young people around the world are crazy about it. One of the reasons for playing games is that there are these thrilling moments during or after the gameplay. Games have become a…
VR platform STOVE VR, CP decides to waive
fee for March and April to all affiliates
■ To support Stove VR affiliates to overcome damage from prolonging COVID-19■ Major content providers such as Gnisoft, AIX Lab, and Devolver Digital share sympathy and join the waive despite difficulties[2020-0312]Smilegate Stove (CEO Han Young-woon) and CPs (contents provider) decided not to r…
놀라운 VR의 세계를 경험하라! 신촌 브라이트 방문기
VR 기기를 착용한다. 그 순간, 우리가 알던 공간은 전혀 새로운 공간으로 탈바꿈한다. VR 기술은 가로세로 3미터 남짓의 방에 새로운 차원의 공간을 펼쳐낸다. 우리가 할 일은 두 가지다. 골똘히 생각하지 말 것. 그저 뛰어들 것.VR 테마파크는 가상현실 게임을 즐길 수 있는 복합 엔터테인먼트 공간이다. 이제 콘텐츠는 감상하는 것이 아니라 직접 마주하는 것이다. 인간의 오감을 넘어선 새로운 체험을 위해 신촌에 위치한 VR 테마파크 ‘브라이트(VRIGHT)’에 방문했다.|당신의 감각을 믿지 마세요!VR 헤드 마운트 디스플레이(HMD…
#3. 내 취향 게임은 여기에? 스팀부터 험블번들까지 인디게임 인기 플랫폼 소개 [털게요]
바야흐로 인디게임 전성시대다. 고양이를 주인공으로 내세우거나 '무슨무슨 키우기’만 쏟아지던 인디게임씬이 아니다. 주류에서 벗어나지만 신선하고, 재미있는 게임들이 계속 나오고 있고 이에 열광하는 이용자들도 늘고 있다.서울과 부산을 대표하는 대규모 인디게임 행사 ‘버닝비버’, ‘부산인디커넥트페스티벌(BIC)’에는 각각 8천 명, 1만 5천 명이 몰렸다. ‘방구석게임쇼’, ‘인디크래프트’, ‘아웃 오브 인덱스’의 주목도가 올라간 것도 체감된다.영하10도의 강추위를 뚫고 8000명이 버닝비버를 찾았다.비단 우리뿐 아니라 전 세계적인 현상이…