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MGC 우수교안 공모전 수상자 밋업
마이크로비트 글로벌 챌린지(Micro:bit Global Challenge: MGC)우수교안 공모전 수상자 밋업(Meetup)I즐거운 탐구와 창작은 계속되어야 한다교실에는 각양각색의 다채로운 꿈과 희망이 자라고 있다. 아이들은 상상의 날개를 힘껏 펼쳐 훨훨 날아오른다. 그런데 정해진 교과 과정을 따르다 보면 상상은 잠시 접어 두어야 할 수밖에 없다. 스마일게이트 퓨처랩은 이와 같은 현실 속에서 아이들의 재기발랄한 탐구와 창작이 계속될 수 있는 방법을 꾸준히 모색하고 있다. 마이크로비트 글로벌 챌린지는 스마일게이트 퓨처랩의 오랜 고민…
[The Korea Times] CrossFire cements position as long-lasting esports game
CrossFire cements position as long-lasting esports gameAudiences watch the live feed of the finals match of CrossFire Stars 2024 at the Hangzhou Canal Asian Games Park, China, Dec. 15. Courtesy of SmilegateBy Nam Hyun-wooGame developer Smilegate’s hit first-person shooter, CrossFire, is successfully…
Esports World Cup Announces the Addition of CROSSFIRE to the 2025 Lineup of games
Global No.1 FPS game, boasting over a billion users in more than 80 countries, joins the EWC’s unprecedented collection of games, further expanding the event’s ability to reach new audiencesRiyadh/Seongnam, (December 23, 2024) — The Esports World Cup Foundation (“EWCF”) and Smilegate, a global game …
No. 1 FPS ‘CROSSFIRE’ Animation Officially Released Now on ‘Prime Video’
■ Officially Streaming Now on Prime Video■ CROSSFIRE Episode Good Conflict, the Only Korean IP in the Series of 15 EpisodesSmilegate announced on the 10th that the episode Good Conflict based on CROSSFIRE, the global No.1 FPS game from the animated anthology series Secret Level, is now officially av…
Smilegate Makes Strategic Investment in Dan Houser's Absurd Ventures, Accelerating Its Growth in the
Gaming Market
Smilegate's deep expertise in Asian markets coupled with Dan Houser and the Absurd Ventures team's creative vision andblockbuster AAA game experience aims to create vast and sustainable global business opportunitiesSmilegate today announced that it has made a strategic investment and become a partne…
[The Chosun Daily] S. Korean game IPs get animated and illustrated
South Korean game companies expand into animation and webtoons with popular IPsFirst-person shooter (FPS) game "CrossFire" animation/SmilegateSouth Korean game companies are expanding their businesses by creating animations and webtoons based on their popular game characters and storylines. By lever…
No. 1 FPS CROSSFIRE to be Adapted into New Animation Series by Prime Video & Blur Studio
■ Will embark on a long journey of approximately 2 months from preliminaries starting on the 6th to the final on 31st of August■ All matches to be broadcast through online channels in 4 languages (Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese)SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Smilegate unvei…
Smilegate Opens Epic Seven World Arena Championship 2024!
■ Will embark on a long journey of approximately 2 months from preliminaries starting on the 6th to the final on 31st of August■ All matches to be broadcast through online channels in 4 languages (Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese)Epic Seven, a global hit mobile RPG developed by Super Creative a…
[EN] The Three Elements of Attracting Startup Investment: ‘People,’ ‘Teamwork,’ and ‘Marketability’
Principles of Startup Investment from Executive Director Yeong-min Kim of the Smilegate Investment Initial Investment TeamSmilegate Investment Executive Director Yeong-min KimSmilegate Investment (hereinafter referred to as ‘SIV’) is a venture capital (VC) firm with a vision of building a better fut…
Smilegate Epic Seven Officially Launches in China!
■ Official service in China begins at 10 AM on June 20, with most global service content already unveiled from thorough advance preparations■ Over 4 million pre-orders! Early access download figures rank No. 1 on iOS App Store, Bilibili, and Taptap!■ Special skin ‘Red Lotus Robes,’ special pet, arti…