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[임직원 기고문] 미첼 레스닉과 함께 고민해보는 창의 교육
|창의 교육을 고민하다기업 사회공헌 영역에서 ‘창의 교육’은 중요한 화두다. 특히 IT기업들은 STEM과 같은 과학기술을 주제로 한 창의 교육 프로그램을 다양하게 진행하고 있다. 그런데 프로그램을 살펴보면 이것을 왜 창의 교육이라고 하는지 고개를 갸우뚱할 때가 있다. 교과목이 코딩으로 바뀌고, 프로젝트형으로 진행된다는 것 외에 학교 교육과 특별한 차이를 못 느꼈기 때문이다. 이처럼,첨단의 IT 기술과 과학의 원리를 활용한다고 해서 창의교육인 것은 아니다.사회공헌 담당자로서 창의 교육과 관련한 프로젝트에 관여하면서 많은 고민과 회…
미래를 대비하는 우리의 자세: 과연, 코딩만이 정답일까?
출산율이 최저치를 기록했다. 2019년 대한민국은 사실상 세계에서 유일한 ‘출산율 1명대 미만’ 국가가 됐다. 반면, 자녀 교육에 대한 관심과 시장 규모는 날이 갈수록 커진다. 최근에는 빅데이터, 인공지능, IoT 등 4차 산업시대에 대비해 ‘코딩’ 배우기에 학생과 학부모가 모두 발 벗고 나선다. 과연, 국영수 ‘코’ 시대라 해도 과언이 아니다.정보가 초 단위로 오가는 초연결 시대에도 믿을 만한 교육 솔루션을 찾기란 쉽지 않다. 지난 12월 23일 경기도 판교 스마일게이트 캠퍼스에서 ‘2019 퓨처랩 미래 교육 콘퍼런스’가 열렸다…
Smilegate Named “Good Game Environment Creator” at Korea Game Awards 2024
■ Smilegate Megaport highly evaluated for efforts to create healthy game service environment and creator ecosystem■ Stoveindie contributing to establishment of creator ecosystem that supports independent game creators, prime movers of game industrySmilegate announced on the 13th (Wed.) that it had w…
CFS Wins Bronze Prize in China Content Marketing Awards
■ First Korean game company to win China Content Marketing Awards, held since 2011■CFS,first entry this year, great achievement following Tiger Roar Awards winIt was announced on the 10th (Thu.) that CFS, the most prestigious CROSSFIREe-Sports competition held by Smilegate Entertainment (CEO: JangIn…
Smilegate’s Metahuman YuA Cheers on Sponsored Children at Soccer Field
■ YuA appointed as ambassador for Hope Cup to fight hunger, delivers messages to cheer on children■ Continuously promoting “value of sharing” as campaign ambassadorSmilegate announced on the 12th that its metahuman, YuA, had visited the training field of the Koren national football team that will so…
Smilegate Opens Epic Seven World Arena Championship 2024!
■ Will embark on a long journey of approximately 2 months from preliminaries starting on the 6th to the final on 31st of August■ All matches to be broadcast through online channels in 4 languages (Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese)Epic Seven, a global hit mobile RPG developed by Super Creative a…
The Meaning of “Creative Learning” Explained by World-class Scholar Professor Mitchel Resnick
The Meaning of “Creative Learning” Explained by World-class Scholar Professor Mitchel Resnick“Creative Learning will Make Our Children Happy.”Professor Mitchel Resnick (MIT Media Lab)In this rapidly changing era, what future will our children face? How should they learn to prepare for the future tha…
Crossfire: Sierra Squad is the “VR-Game-Changer”
“Fresh technology makes fresh entertainment”KaySangkyoon Lee,Director of Crossfire: Sierra SquadThe CROSSFIRE franchise, having more than one billion players around the world, is one of the largest video game franchises in Korea. This coming summer of 2023, Crossfire: Sierra Squad, the first VR game…
From Games to Comics with One IP! Expanding IP Market with Content Competitiveness
From games to comics with one IP!Expanding IP market with content competitivenessSmilegate Content Business DirectorJi-tak ChaeHero in Suit at Military Academy, an online novel, was recently released on the Kakao Page. This is an example of content expansion based on the IP of Epic Seven, Smilegate’…
[AI Revolution] (34) Smilegate: Emotions in AI
“Creating a human-like AI and a fun AI is our goal.”Artificial Intelligence (AI) research is different at Smilegate. Many game developers are diving into AI research, but most of them limit the role of their AI to their games. These companies utilize AI for more effective game operation and the deve…