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[오렌지플래닛] 게임 도시 부산에서 인디게임의 성지를 꿈꾸는 '오렌지플래닛 부산센터'
흔히 부산하면 바다와 먹거리, 영화를 떠올리곤 한다. 다양한 매력을 가진 도시답게 또 하나 유명한 것이 있다. 바로 '게임'. 부산에서는 매년 국내 최대 게임전시회인 '지스타'가 개최된다. 미래 신성장 동력산업 중 하나로 게임산업을 꼽을 만큼 게임에 대한 애정이 남다른 도시 부산에 스마일게이트 오렌지플래닛 부산센터가 자리 잡았다.오렌지플래닛 부산센터(이하 부산센터)는 민관이 협력해 예비창업자와 스타트업이 지역에서 안정적으로 기반을 닦고, 글로벌 강소기업으로 성장할 수 있도록 육성하기 위해 지난 2014년 설립됐다. 2009년부터 지…
“The battlefields of the nine lords have opened!” Smilegate officially launched new MMORPG, Lord Nine, on 12th
■ Officially launched game on 12th in four regions including Korea and Taiwan, with support for cross-platform play on PC and mobile devices■ To celebrate game launch with official community events as well as in-game attendance and subjugation events offering rewardsSmilegate announced on the 12th (…
"Orange Planet", a Smilegate startup foundation, publishes ‘Survival to Thrival’, a book that shares startup growth know-how
■Business startup and management overall know-how from foundation all the way to becoming a unicorn■"Silicon Valley's Pay It Forward Culture Shared" written by Taehee NamOrange Planet, a Smilegate startup foundation, announced on December 20 that it has published a new book called 'Survival to Thri…
History of MMORPG: From World of Warcraft to Lost Ark
“It’s nighttime. If you are mafia, please raise your head.”Mafia game is a game that everyone has played at some point. It is a game in which participants track down the mafia by taking on the roles of citizens, mafias, doctors, and police at the choice of the host. Anyone who likes American shows w…
Envisioning a Bright Future for Gaming on Public Entertainment TV! We Can Game Review
Smilegate Marketing Membership provides college students who are passionate about Smilegate and its IP business with opportunities to participate in PR/Marketing content. The program provides marketing experience, mentoring from staff members, professional lectures on the industry, activity funds, a…
[Smilegate Took-terview #2] Social Contribution with Game Elements!
※ The article was written on June 30th, 2021“Do you know about Smilegate?” Took-terview is an honest series of employee interviews that introduces company life, welfare, and culture of the company.|Relaying hope! Smilegate Foundation social contribution team Woo Bin Park and Jae Hee ParkMany compani…
Fun Beyond Imagination, K-Collaboration
“That’s a must buy!”Collaborations between companies with no apparent links are stimulating people's desire to buy. Collaborations such as shoe polish with beer, digestive medicine with clothes, and best-selling books with convenience stores have become a hot topic, taking a toll on people’s wallets…
The Past, Present, Future of VR Games
※ The article was written on September 19th, 2019Virtual reality (VR) is an old future. VR was considered to have high market potential, but expectations and disillusionment of new technologies were repeated and never quite became popularized. In a way, it resembles our lives where we have the poten…
Ontact(线上面对面)时代,Smilegate 面对商演活动的姿态!
|因新冠肺炎而天翻地覆的世界,Smilegate 找到了名为“Ontact”的答案我们周围的一切都在发生变化。我们因新冠肺炎持续保持社会距离,许多变化接踵而至。业务方式由上下班变为居家办公,变得很难与熟人相约在餐厅用餐或在咖啡厅聊天。几个月过去,新冠肺炎仍旧没有消退,我们开始在“线上”寻找答案。似乎不会用得惯的视频会议不知不觉间成为了一种业务方式,年末年初聚会也自然而然地变成以各自准备食物和酒水在家里享用的线上辞旧年会和迎新年会。每个人都在适应新的方式来解决日常生活中的沟通中断问题。日常变得如此接近于线上的当下,让游戏行业迎来了前所未有的繁荣期。外部活动愈发困难,人们便把注意力集中在了可以居家…
Smilegate's drama gets a big hit in China, expanding the territory of Crossfire IP
■Internet drama made of K-game■100 million views in the first three days■IP diversification such as movies and theme parks■ The founder of Smilegate and Chairman of Smilegate FoundationKwon "Reminds me of the earlier days when I started my business."Reporter Lee Yong-ik: July 23, 2020"The reason I…