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“Time Devoted Solely to Creation” Successful Conclusion of the 14th Graduation Ceremony of the Smilegate Membership (
) Indie Game Division
■ Smilegate Future Lab provided full support for ten indie game development teams for seven monthsSmilegate Future Lab announced on January 13th (Fri) that the 14th Graduation Ceremony of the Smilegate Membership (hereinafter referred to as ‘SGM’) Indie Game Division had concluded successfully.Emplo…
尽情享受 Smile Gate“Stove Indie”为BIC增添乐趣
■Smile Gate“Stove Indie”,于本月4日为止在BIC开设展位■参加BIC的企业当中有31%的企业都参与过Smile Gate独立支援项目■现场活动为用户带来了无限乐趣…活动还会赠送游戏角色模型由Smile Gate Stove(代表韩英云)赞助,釜山Indie Connect (BIC)组织委员会主办的大韩民国最大的独立游戏庆典之釜山Indie Connect Festival 2022(以下简称BIC Festival 2022)的线下活动隆重开幕。以新颖的游戏和各种前所未闻的活动为国内外独立游戏迷们带来了别样的乐趣。Smile Gate Stove的独立游戏平台Stov…
Let’s Play! Smilegate’s ‘STOVE Indie’ Adding Excitement to BIC
■ Smilegate’s ‘STOVE Indie’ operating a booth at BIC until the 4th■ 31% of BIC participants have participated in Smilegate’s indie game developer aid program■ Exciting on-site events for user entertainment, including a free character standee giveaway eventThe offline event for Korea’s largest indie …
Smilegate Future Lab Center, Recruiting for the 1st “Smilegate Membership” in AI Category
※ The article was written on June 16th, 2021■For aspiring AI creators who are part of the “2030” generation and AI development projects■A chance to be a part of Orange Planet’s start-up support program and AI Center internship at Smilegate for outstanding graduates[2021-0616]Future Lab Center, a cr…
Supporting the Possibilities of Indie Game Creators, 2021 Smilegate Indie Game Contest Meet-up and Ceremony
※ The article was written on June 3rd, 2021“If you want to become a millionaire, make a successful indie game!”This is a phrase that has been around in the game industry for a while. Since the mid-2010s, the indie game industry has grown rapidly and produced great hits. "Minecraft," the epitome of s…
Interview of the Winners, 2021 Smilegate Indie Game Contest
※ The article was written on June 3rd, 2021The “2021 Smilegate Indie Game Creation Contest” with the slogan of “Take care of tomorrow’s indie games” ended in March. The ceremony and meet-up day was held on May 21st as the final event. This event marked the success of the Smilegate Foundation Future …
Smilegate’s Mentoring Gives Back
The popular drama <Startup> features young people who dream of starting a business. Behind these passionate individuals are advisors and mentors who support them through business and organization formation.Smilegate provides a variety of mentoring programs for startups of Orange Planet, young …
Smilegate, Recruiting for “Smilegate Membership”, Creation, AI, Social Participation!
■ ANew program established for AI that can express human emotion■Recruitment of college students to further develop the creative environments for local youth■Program for growth and learning based on the youth community since SGM’s 2010 launch[2021-0531]Smilegate Foundation (Chairman HyukBinKwon)…
게임의 미래를 위해 서로 응원하고 함께 성장하다!
2023 스마일게이트 인디게임 창작 공모전 ‘IndieGo 2023’ Meet-up 현장 스케치지난 5월 2일, 스마일게이트 퓨처랩에서 인디게임 창작자들의 특별한 만남이 이뤄졌다. 2023년 스마일게이트 인디게임 창작 공모전 ‘IndieGo 2023’에서 창작자들 간 소통의 자리가 마련 된 것. ‘인디게임’을 향한 남다른 열정으로 한자리에 모인 Meet-up 현장을 돌아본다.서로 응원하는 마음이 모여 만든 창작 공모전오후 3시, 스마일게이트 퓨처랩은 인디게임 창작자들의 열기로 가득 찼다. ‘게임’이라는 공통 분야로 한자리에 모인 사…
인디게임 창작자의 가능성을 지원하다, 2021 스마일게이트 인디게임 공모전 Meet up&시상식
“백만장자가 되고 싶다면 대박 날 인디게임 하나를 만들어라!”한 동안 게임 업계에서 돌던 말이다. 2010년대 중반 이후 인디게임 산업은 급성장을 이루며 소위 말하는 대박 게임들이 등장했다. 샌드박스 인디게임의 대명사인 <마인크래프트>의 경우 2조 원에 달하는 가격으로 마이크로소프트가 인수했으며, 1인 개발자가 만든 <스타듀밸리>의 경우에도 1,000억이 넘는 매출을 올렸다.하지만 성공 이면에는 언제나 실패 또한 있기 마련이다. 2010년대 후반에 이르러서는 인디게임 시장이 과포화되며 인디게임과 세기말(Apoc…