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End of Century Online Action RPG Soulworker, New Raid “Broken Savior” Update!
※ This article was written on July 28th, 2021■New, most difficult raid to challenge the final boss “Tenebris” whose main weapon is a sword and uses powerful skills■Access reward event along with various rewards each time you access the game[2021-0728]"Soulworker" an end of century online action …
Smilegate’s “Tales Runner” Officially Opens “Emotion Islands” Channel!
■A cool adventure for 3 months on Emotion Islands! Many rewards for new and returning users■Two new maps, the "Kingdom of Joy Expeditions" and "Operation Daegul-daegul”[2021-0707]Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jang) announced on the 7th (Wednesday) that it will update its new channel "Emotion Islan…
“All-time Favorite Movies” of Smilegate Employees
※ The article was written on June 3rd, 2020Games resemble movies in that they are both comprehensive entertainment content. They share aspects such as scenarios, filming techniques, directing techniques, and OSTs. Recently, the influence of intellectual property (IP) has expanded and blurred the li…
Maybe This Isn’t Reality
※ The article was written on September 31st, 2019<”The Matrix” poster (Source: Naver Film)>Here is a man forced to make a binary choice. He is a successful hacker. A man appears in front of him. The man requests him to choose one of two pills. The man forced to make the choice is Neo, the ma…
로스트아크 콘서트 11시간의 기록 (下)
무대의 막이 오르고, 지휘자가 등장해 오프닝으로 40초 정도의 짧은 MFX 메들리로 공연이 시작되었음을 알렸다. 다음으로 금강선 디렉터가 등장하자 객석에서는 뜨거운 함성이 터졌다.2020년 1월 감사제 이후 처음으로 온라인이 아닌 오프라인에서 모험가들과 만난 금강선 디렉터는 반가운 마음에 1, 2, 3층 좌우 관객석 모두에게 직접 인사를 건넸다. 금강선 디렉터에게도 모험가들에게도 오랜만에 직접 대면으로 만나는 뜻깊은 순간이었다.11년 전, 개발자도 3~4명이던 로스트아크 태동기 시절. 지원길 스마일게이트 RPG 대표와 농담 삼아 나…