Lost Ark Closed Beta Test Ends Successfully in North America, Europe, … 2021-11-19
■ 260,000 maximum simultaneous viewers on “Twitch” the first day of the CBT… Over 3.15 million hours of cumulative viewing time on the first day
■ Reviewed as “overwhelmingly positive” by over 95 percent of users in more than 5,600 Steam reviews
■ Over 88,000 maximum concurrent users recorded despite being a closed technical test, ranked 7th on Steam charts
[November 19, 2021] Korea’s top MMORPG developer Smilegate RPG (CEO Won-gil Ji) and global company Amazon announced the successful end to the large-scale closed beta test (CBT) for Smilegate’s flagship game “Lost Ark” in North America, Europe, South America, and Australia on the 19th (Friday).
The CBT ran for seven days from November 4 to 11 through global gaming platform Steam.
Enthusiasm for Lost Ark began on the first day of the test. On November 4 (based on North America), the first day of the test, “Lost Ark” content ranked third place out of all categories on global broadcasting platform “Twitch,” with over 260,000 maximum simultaneous viewers. Cumulative viewing time of viewers around the world who watched Lost Ark-related content exceeded 3,152,700 hours on this day, as well. An additional 110,000 simultaneous viewers were recorded over the weekend on November 5 and 6, demonstrating continuous anticipation from global viewers.
Favorable reviews continued from users who played Lost Ark on test platform “Steam.” With over 5,600 registered reviews, Lost Ark was rated positively by over 95 percent of users, achieving the highest “overwhelmingly positive” rating among Steam users. Continued positive response from users since the first alpha test last June has confirmed the high level of interest in the market. The beta test also ranked seventh on Steam charts with over 88,000 maximum concurrent users, despite restricted participation to ensure technological stability, and Lost Ark ranked first in Steam’s “Free-to-play” category on the first day of the CBT.
Meanwhile, Smilegate RPG and Amazon Games plan to officially showcase Lost Ark in North America, Europe, South America, and Australia in early 2022, after tempering through feedback from this large-scale CBT. As service areas expand from North America and Europe, which account for more than 50 percent of the global game market, to South America and Australia, this is predicted to be the first official steps towards becoming an IP that is loved around the world.
Smilegate RPG CEO Won-gil Ji said, “We will do our best to prepare before official services begin so that Lost Ark can promote the status of domestic MMORPGs to the world. We ask our local MMORPG fans for a lot of support and encouragement.”
For more information about Lost Ark, visit the official Lost Ark website at http://www.lostark.co.kr.