Smilegate, “Alice Who Followed the Rainbow” Publication and Art Exhibi… 2021-06-22
■ Children affected by domestic violence gain a sense of accomplishment through a fairy tale creation process for 4 months
■ SundayToz supports the publishing of hopeful books
[2021-0622] Smilegate Foundation (Chairman HyukBin Kwon) and SundayToz (CEO Kim Jeong Sub) announced on the 22nd (Tue) that it has published “Alice Who Followed The Rainbow” to provide art therapy education for children affected by domestic violence and hosted an art exhibition.
More than 10 elementary school students participated in the exhibition as part of the domestic violence abuse art therapy education conducted by Smilegate Foundation at the YWCA Bongcheon Social Welfare Center in Gwanak-gu, Seoul over the past four months. The exhibition will be held until the 25th at the Smilegate Campus.
Smilegate Foundation supported the education based on the fact that children in crisis of abuse and neglect should be protected immediately. Smilegate Foundation arranged for continuous visits from fairy tale authors and therapists, as well as providing education on creating characters, finding stories, making stories, and drawing themed pictures.
Children who participated in the education were able to get away from the psychological stress of domestic violence and had the opportunity to discover and express oneself.
SundayToz’s game “Shanghai Anipang” and its 62,400 users contributed to the art therapy education by holding an in-game “Love Bank” donation event.
Smilegate Foundation General Manager Kwon, Yeon ju said ”Smilegate Foundation supports future generations through a donation platform that allows users and donors to participate in. “Alice Who Followed The Rainbow” shows a hopeful future to these disadvantaged children. We hope for many people to sympathize and support it”.
“Alice Who Followed The Rainbow” will be in Kyobo and Aladdin bookstores, as well as online on Smilegate Foundation’s donation platform link “support a young author”. All of the proceeds will be going to support young author education.
#Smilegate #Smilegate Foundation #SundayToz #Alice and the Rabbit #Alice Who Followed The Rainbow #Art Therapy for Children Affected by Domestic Violence #Shanghai Anipang #Love Bank #Support Young Authors