Lost Ark, 2021 Large-scale Summer Update “Astalgia” Begins Pre-registr… 2021-06-23
■ The large-scale summer update “Astalgia” scheduled for July 7th, featuring the biggest growth support event “Hyper Express” and summer event island “Maharaka Paradise”
■ Participants to be given various item boxes to help their gameplay as well as a chance to win Lost Ark goods!
[2021-0623] Smilegate RPG’s (CEO Chi, Wongil) MMORPG Lost Ark announced on the 23rd (Wednesday) that it will start pre-registration for the large-scale update roadmap “Astalgia” to give adventurers a fun summer vacation. Every adventurer who pre-registers will be given plentiful gifts.
The pre-registration period begins on June 23rd until July 7th, for about two weeks. Any Lost Ark adventurer can register on the Lost Ark official website under the special pre-registration page. Adventurers who participated in the pre-registration will be given ▲Astalgia growth support items, ▲Astalgia battle support items, ▲Astalgia life support items, a special decoration item "Amusement Park king ribbon headband," and the installation item "Angel's Wing photo zone".
Additionally, adventurers who pre-registered will be entered to win ▲Mokoko silicon mood lights, ▲NEW Toto Moss cushions, and ▲NEW Lost Ark OST album and goods.
Lost Ark's large-scale summer update roadmap, "Astalgia", will begin its journey from July 7th into September. On July 7th, the summer event island “Maharaka Paradise” and the biggest benefits yet for growth support “Hyper Express” will mark the beginning of Astalgia.
At the Maharaka Festival on the event island, adventurers can enjoy “Maharaka Racing” as Narunis, try to push each other out of the arena using water guns and installations in the “Waterpang Arena”, and enjoy a variety of mini games while earning prizes.
Smilegate RPG CEO Chi, Wongil said “We are still thankful for the support of adventurers for “LOA ON mini”. We are doing our best to repay you with this summer update. We hope that many of you will pre-register”.
For more information on Lost Ark, visit Lost Ark’s official website (http://www.lostark.co.kr).
#Smilegate #Smilegate RPG #Blockbuster Hack and Slash MMORPG #Lost Ark #Astalgia #Astalgia Pre-Registration #Hyper Express #Maharaka Paradise