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스마일게이트 마케팅 멤버십은 IP 사업에 열정을 지닌 대학생들에게 스마일게이트 그룹과 그룹 IP에 대한 홍보/마케팅 콘텐츠 기획 및 제작 등 실전 마케팅에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 대외활동 프로그램이다.마케팅 실무 경험, 현업 담당자들의 밀착 멘토링, 산업 전반에 대한 지식을 넓힐 수 있는 전문가 특강 및 소정의 활동비 등의 혜택이 지원되며, 우수 평가자에 한해 인턴 기회를 부여하고 있다.‘최근 '폴가이즈', '어몽 어스'와 같은 인디게임의 인기가 뜨겁다. 인디게임은 별다른 진입 장벽 없이 가볍게 플레이할 수 있고, 기존의 …
[The Korea Times] CrossFire cements position as long-lasting esports
CrossFire cements position as long-lasting esports gameAudiences watch the live feed of the finals match of CrossFire Stars 2024 at the Hangzhou Canal Asian Games Park, China, Dec. 15. Courtesy of SmilegateBy Nam Hyun-wooGame developer Smilegate’s hit first-person shooter, CrossFire, is successfully…
Smilegate向Dan Houser的Absurd Ventures进行战略投资,加速进军全球游戏市场
■ Smilegate,扩大在西方游戏市场的影响力…加速全球游戏市场布局■ Absurd Ventures,由Rockstar Games联合创始人Dan Houser成立的新兴创业公司■ Smilegate的亚洲市场专业经验与Absurd的创意愿景、AAA级游戏开发实力相结合,创造可持续发展的商业机会Smilegate于4日(周三)宣布,已向Rockstar Games联合创始人Dan Houser创立的媒体/娱乐公司Absurd Ventures(以下简称Absurd,进行战略投资,并达成合作伙伴关系。Absurd由Dan H…
[VentureBeat]How GTA pioneer Dan Houser’s Absurd Ventures will make great worlds with strong storytelling
How GTA pioneer Dan Houser’s Absurd Ventures will make great worlds with strong storytellingSmilegate is investing in Dan Houser's Absurd Ventures.Image Credit: Absurd VenturesSouth Korean game development and publishing company Smilegate recently made a strategic investment and became a partner in …
[Xportsnews] Lord Nine Packed with Exciting New Features… Smilegate Reveals Update Roadmap at Exclusive User Event
Lord Nine Packed with Exciting New Features… Smilegate Reveals Update Roadmap at Exclusive User EventSmilegate’s popular MMORPG Lord Nine successfully hosted its first offline user event, welcoming 200 enthusiastic players for a day of engaging activities and exciting announcements. The highlight of…
Smilegate Receives Certificate of Appreciation from China’s Zhejiang Cultural Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd
Smilegate announced on Thursday, the 26th, that it had received a certificate of appreciation from China’s Zhejiang Cultural Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd.for its contribution to fostering cultural exchange and friendship between Korea and China through the successful hosting of the global No.1…
Esports World Cup Announces the Addition of CROSSFIRE to the 2025 Lineup of
Global No.1 FPS game, boasting over a billion users in more than 80 countries, joins the EWC’s unprecedented collection of games, further expanding the event’s ability to reach new audiencesRiyadh/Seongnam, (December 23, 2024) — The Esports World Cup Foundation (“EWCF”) and Smilegate, a global game …
Smilegate’s Global No. 1 FPS ‘CROSSFIRE’ Animation Officially Released Now on ‘Prime Video’
■ Officially Streaming Now on Prime Video■ CROSSFIRE Episode Good Conflict, the Only Korean IP in the Series of 15 EpisodesSmilegate announced on the 10th that the episode Good Conflict based on CROSSFIRE, the global No.1 FPS game from the animated anthology series Secret Level, is now officially av…
Smilegate Makes Strategic Investment in Dan Houser's Absurd Ventures, Accelerating Its Growth in the Global Gaming Market
Smilegate's deep expertise in Asian markets coupled with Dan Houser and the Absurd Ventures team's creative vision andblockbuster AAA game experience aims to create vast and sustainable global business opportunitiesSmilegate today announced that it has made a strategic investment and become a partne…
Official Site Now Open for New Smilegate Title "Chaos Zero Nightmare" Revealing the New Promotional Video!
■ CZN's official site open on Stove... Revealing info on the World, Factions, Characters, BGM, and more.■ Revealing a high-quality animation of the promotional video, where users can watch the actual gameplay of CZNOn Wednesday the 6th, Smilegate revealed the official site for its upcoming RPG "Chao…