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The Past, Present, Future of VR Games
※ The article was written on September 19th, 2019Virtual reality (VR) is an old future. VR was considered to have high market potential, but expectations and disillusionment of new technologies were repeated and never quite became popularized. In a way, it resembles our lives where we have the poten…
[Job Interview] Imagination that keeps Smilegate alive
Generally, corporate legal teams are difficult to understand. The lives of legal teams depicted in dramas and movies portray a somewhat cold image to the public. However, this misconception quickly disappeared as we carried on the interview. We interviewed Yoon, Seong Min, Smilegate Holdings legal t…
[Job Interview] Anyone Can Be a Mentor
※ The article was written on July 4th, 2019Everyone has had difficult, struggling times whileworking at a company. What if there was a mentor to provide you with warm encouragement, support, and wisdom to help guide you through the problem?Start-ups at Smilegate’s Incubation Center, “Orange Farm”, c…
[Orange Farm] DoBrain, Maximizing Your Child’s Brain Potential
Smilegate Orange Farm was launched in 2014 to create and foster a healthy start-up ecosystem for global, small businesses by providing workspace and support programs. Once a part of Orange Farm, you can receive workspace and infrastructure, as well as various support such as business mentoring, inve…
It's been a Long Time, Brothers and Sisters! Interview with Lost Ark Voice Actor Jangwon Lee
"Light the furnace, take out your hammer!"Any Lost Ark explorer is bound to remember the name, "Bahuntur." In Season 1, Bahuntur made you feel joyful or frustrated as the training NPC. In Season 2, he provided lots of rewards through event quizzes. Such a "love and hate" kind of character, searches …
[Orange Farm] "Coresight," understanding users with Big Data
In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, everyone is talking about the importance of Big Data, but not many people know what kind of value Big Data can actually create. When people begin to understand the domain (area the connects an organization to the outside) more than just the data they want to ana…
Sundaytoz announces earnings from the first quarter of 2020
■Sundaytoz records 28.4 billion KRW in sales, 2.9 billion KRW in operating profit, and 7.9 billion KRW in short term net profit in the first quarter of 2020■With the growth of the high margin advertisement business and the stabilization of overseas businesses, sales up 41%, operating profit up 49%…
GTA 개척자 댄 하우저가 만들어갈 매력적인 스토리텔링의 신세계
스마일게이트는 최근 ‘락스타 게임즈(Rockstar Games)’ 공동 창립자였던 댄 하우저(이하 댄)가 설립한 게임 스튜디오 ‘업서드 벤처스(Absurd Ventures; 이하 업서드)’와 전략적 투자를 단행하고 파트너십을 맺었다. 댄 하우저는 락스타 게임즈에서 20년 이상 재직하며, ‘그랜드 테프트 오토(Grand Theft Auto; 이하GTA)와 ‘레드 데드 리뎀션(Red Dead Redemption)’ 등 전세계적으로 5억 5000만장 이상, (약 330억 달러 규모)의 판매를 기록한 게임들의 크리에이터 디렉터 역할을 수행…
임팩트 투자로 사회적 가치 창출 스마일게이트인베스트먼트, 2023 임팩트 리포트 발행
■ 올해로 3년째 리포트 발행, 스마일게이트인베스트먼트의 임팩트 투자 원칙과 투자 성과 담겨스마일게이트인베스트먼트(대표 남기문)는 2023년 투자대상 기업의 사회적 가치 창출 현황과 연간 투자 활동을 정리한 ‘2023 임팩트 리포트(이하 리포트)’를 발간했다고 15일 밝혔다.남기문 스마일게이트인베스트먼트 대표는 3년 차를 맞는 리포트 발행에 대해 “더 나은 미래를 만드는 기업에 투자해 지속 가능한 가치를 키우는 것이 벤처 투자를 통해 사회적 가치를 만들어가는 것이라고 생각한다”라며 “기업의 본질인 이윤 추구와 동시에 고객과 세상을 …