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[임직원 기고문] 클럽하우스, 청소년의 삶을 바꾸는 IT 교육
Computer Clubhouse(이하 클럽하우스)는 전 세계 20개국, 100개 이상이 운영되며 매년 25,000명의 청소년들이 참여하고 있는 과학기술 분야 비영리 프로젝트다. 30년 가까이 성공적으로 지속되고 있는 이 프로젝트는 현재 ‘The Clubhouse Network’ 라는 이름으로 전 세계 클럽하우스를 기반으로 활동을 진행하고 있다.이 글은 클럽하우스의 초기 자료들을 참고해 클럽하우스가 어떤 목표를 가지고 어떤 모습으로 설계, 운영되었는지 소개하는데 목적이 있다. 또한 클럽하우스가 현재 한국의 청소년 대상 과학기술 …
[SGM 10주년 기념 인터뷰] - ⑤카셀게임즈 편: 2020년, 쥐들의 도시로 초대합니다 ‘래트로폴리스’
올해로 10주년을 맞이한 스마일게이트멤버십(SGM)은 콘텐츠 창작을 꿈꾸는 대학생/청년이라면 누구나 참여하고 싶은 창작 지원 프로그램으로 거듭났다. 24시간 사용할 수 있는 SGM 전용 Lab 공간, 창작 연구비 등 물질적인 지원은 물론 현업 개발자의 지속적인 멘토링 및 유저 피드백을 위한 시연회, 네트워킹 등 스마일게이트만이 제공할 수 있는 다양한 기회를 제공하기 때문이다.스마일게이트는 SGM 프로그램을 통해 게임부터 서비스까지 영역의 제한 없이, 개발 역량을 가진 대학생/청년이라면 누구나 잠재능력을 마음껏 발휘할 수 있는 환경을…
Smilegate的创作支持项目“Futurebee Challenge”荣获“
■ “Futurebee Challenge”和“Burning Beaver”两大品牌在国际设计奖中荣获大奖■ 致力于让更多人认同并参与“创意/创作”的价值由Smilegate未来实验室主办的“Futurebee Challenge”在全球三大设计奖之一的“iF设计奖2025”(International Forum Design Award 2025)中荣获传播设计类别的“大奖(Winner)”。iF设计奖与德国“红点奖”(Red Dot Award)、美国“IDEA(International Design Excellence Awards)”并称为全球三大设计奖。该奖项基于五大评审标…
"Futurebee Challenge" wins '
Award 2025'
■ “Futurebee Challenge” and “Burning Beaver” win main awards at an international design competition.■ Ongoing efforts to engage a broader audience in recognizing the value of creativity and creative expressionSmilegate Future Lab’s “Futurebee Challenge” has won the Winner award in the Communication …
[Xportsnews] Lord Nine Packed with Exciting New Features… Smilegate Reveals Update Roadmap at Exclusive User Event
Lord Nine Packed with Exciting New Features… Smilegate Reveals Update Roadmap at Exclusive User EventSmilegate’s popular MMORPG Lord Nine successfully hosted its first offline user event, welcoming 200 enthusiastic players for a day of engaging activities and exciting announcements. The highlight of…
Crossfire: Sierra Squad is the “VR-Game-Changer”
“Fresh technology makes fresh entertainment”KaySangkyoon Lee,Director of Crossfire: Sierra SquadThe CROSSFIRE franchise, having more than one billion players around the world, is one of the largest video game franchises in Korea. This coming summer of 2023, Crossfire: Sierra Squad, the first VR game…
[GAMEVU] Smilegate Leading the Future of VR Games with CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad
Smilegate Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as ‘Smilegate’) has claimed to lead the future of VR games with its new title, CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad (hereinafter referred to as ‘Sierra Squad’). Smilegate unveiled the current development status and stories concerning the VR game market with Depart…
[UNREAL ENGINE] CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad brings the FPS franchise to a new reality
※ Source:"CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad brings the FPS franchise to a new reality"published by Unreal Engine on February 23, 2023The CROSSFIRE franchise is a beloved free-to-play multiplayer juggernaut in regions throughout the world. Smilegate Entertainment has expanded the tense first-person shooter ser…
[EN] “Future Lab, Making Waves of Innovation in the Creative and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”
Smilegate Future Lab Department Head Sook-hyeon OhThere is a special space in level B1 of the Smilegate Campus. It is a ‘No Parent Zone’ where only children are allowed to enter and ‘no rules is the governing rule.’ This is ‘Future Lab,’ where original creative work is born from the creative ideas o…
Smilegate Future Lab's ‘Future Bee Challenge 2023,’ with Over 7,000 Child and Youth Participants Nationwide, Reaches Grand Finale
■ ‘Future Bee Challenge 2023’ explores solutions for social issues via digital technology, with 339 creative projects submitted through the event.■ Experts from MIT Media Lab (US), Stanford University (, and San Francisco Exploratorium participating in Future Bee Challenge as advisorsA grou…