Smilegate Campus rooftop's hidden getaway, "Smile Farm" 2020-05-07
Though there isn't a lot of land these days, there is a growing number of rooftop urban gardens. The charm of these rooftop gardens is not only growing food that you can safely eat, but also being able to pour your heart into the crops and feel a sense of accomplishment or reward. Therefore, it isn't back breaking labor, it is a fun activity to relax the body and mind. The company's rooftop garden is especially becoming a popular new getaway for Smilegate employees.
Smilegate has cleaned up a section of the roof, where there were once many insects and weeds, and built a gardening area decorated with pretty garden beds and signposts. It has transformed the roof into a nice, verdant, and revitalizing getaway spot. The area where grass once grew unattended is now reborn as a space where any employee that applies can tend their own garden.
| Smile Farm Before & After
<Before construction, the neglected rooftop space>
<"Smile Farm," the rooftop garden reborn as a getaway spot at Smilegate Campus>
| A bit of green against the gray backdrop of Pangyo
The unkempt weeds in the neglected area across from the smoking area were pulled, and the area was decorated with garden beds and signposts.
Automatic sprinkling and irrigation systems, lockers, shared use farming equipment, and other things necessary for tending the gardens are available. There is also a resting area for employees to relax and absorb the luscious green of the gardens.
<View of the Smile Farm>
<(From the left) Automatic sprinklers of Smile Farm's irrigation system, shared use farming equipment>
| Passionate urban farmers, "Smile Farmers"
Smile Farm's test run will be from April to July 2020. A total of 21 teams of Smile Farmers are actively participating.
<Smile Farmers tending to their gardens with co-workers and family>
| The Smile Farm's charm to the Smile Farmers
"I don't smoke, so I never had a reason to go to the roof to rest or get some fresh air. But with the garden, I can grow some plants on the roof and relax, which is very nice!"
- Chief Sangmin Park (Smilegate RPG)
"There aren't many companies where workers can tend their own gardens. I like how we have basic, shared use farming tools, lockers, and an environment with everything we need to tend our gardens."
- Manager Yoonjoo Heo (Smilegate Entertainment)
"I like how my family and I can tend the garden every weekend. We eat delicious food and the kids come to daddy's office to tend the garden. We are creating happy memories together as a family!"
- Part Leader Younggi Kim (Smilegate Entertainment)
| How to use Smile Farm
Any member of a corporation in Smilegate Campus can apply for a garden. The gardens are distributed by lottery. Members can tend to their crops at Smile Farm whenever they wish outside of cooperative working hours, which are weekdays from 10 AM to 4 PM (except lunch time). If members want to tend their gardens on weekends with family or friends, they must follow entrance procedures at the information desk on the first floor. In August, after the test run, the company will recruit new Smile Farmers.
#Smilegate #Smilegate Campus #Smile Farm #Smile Farmers #Office garden