Smilegate STOVE Launches “Kenshi”, an Open-world Survival Game 2021-06-09
※ The article was written on June 9th, 2021
■ Features amazing freedom and a sense of reality that corresponds to player tendency and actions
■ Steam users rate it “overwhelmingly positive”... officially released through STOVE Indie
■ 30% discount, 1 million STOVE cash, and limited edition Kenshi goods events with developer company Lo-Fi Games
[2021-0609] Smilegate STOVE (CEO Han, Young Woon) announced on the 9th that it will officially introduce the cyberpunk open-world PC game "Kenshi" developed and serviced by Lo-Fi Games on the STOVE Indie game platform.
Kenshi is a survival game that depends on the player’s tendency and actions in the vast and lawless environment. You are able to choose and customize characters from wanderer, merchant, bounty hunter, slave, etc. who all have different attributes. Users can freely interact with the environment and enjoy an adventure that allows their characters to become kings of an empire, leaders of a notorious gang, or wealthy merchants capable of creating and expanding cities.
Kenshi was released on the global game platform “Steam” and has received positive reviews from its users. Evaluations of the game show “overwhelmingly positive” and “very positive” reviews.
To commemorate its launch on STOVE Indie, Lo-Fi games will be holding a special event for domestic users.
First, you will be able to purchase Kenshi at a 30% discounted price until June 23rd. In addition, it will be holding a lottery for users who share Kenshi tips and experiences on the STOVE community by June 28th for 200,000 STOVE cash, which can be used on STOVE.
Lo-Fi Games also created a limited number of gaming pads and item cushions which users are excited about. Lastly, it will reward users who have left reviews on the STOVE Indie game website with STOVE cash, and even give out coupons for chicken to users with high levels of participation in the comments.
Smilegate STOVE CEO Han, Young Woon said, “We are pleased to be able to release a great title that has been recognized for its quality of work through STOVE Indie. STOVE Indie will continue to discover and release high quality indie games to create a healthy indie game ecosystem”.
For more information about Kenshi, visit STOVE Indie at
Game info: https://indie.onstove.com/ko/games/284
Event info: https://page.onstove.com/indie/global/view/7216252
#Smilegate. Smilegate STOVE #STOVE Indie #Indie Game Platform #Lo-Fi Games #Kenshi #30% Discount #1 Million STOVE cash #Limited Kenshi Goods Event