SundayToz announces five major new products to be released in 2020 2020-03-09
■ SundayToz introduces five new mobile games to be launched in domestic and overseas markets this year
■ Reveals that it will launch a new composition and expand its market in Korea and abroad with its own IPs such as AniPang 4 and mobile games made from various famous global IPs
■ SundayToz expects to develop new growth engines through diversified game genre and advertising business
[2020-0309] Sundaytoz (CEO Kim Jeong-seop, www.sundaytoz.com) introduced five new major products to be released this year.
The upcoming releases are composed of games characterized by its IP, and games utilizing some famous overseas IPs. This launch lineup is interpreted as a paving stone to continue the expansion of the domestic and foreign markets following the year before when the sales growth of overseas markets was massive.
This year's first anticipated title is 'AniPang 4', the newest of the AniPang series featuring the series' first guild-type social networking and real-time battles. 'AniPang 4', which is about to be released in the second quarter, will showcase the most significant change in the series, and is expected to challenge the rare all-hit wonder with the previous titles.
In the second half of this year, four mobile games using multiple global IPs will be released. These four mobile games are developed utilizing world-renowned animation and character IPs. These games raise expectations with works that showcase popular and unique gameplay based on various genres and IPs.
The first runner in the second half of this year's lineup is a remake version of 'Shanghai Anipang', which is reconstructed with Cartoon Network's popular IP 'Power Puff Girl'. This game will be serviced in Japan and Asia, and it is expected to bring the fun of the proven puzzle game in domestic and foreign markets. Also, a project in which famous global IPs are appearing is on its way in the second half. The game, which will be presented as a joint project with Cartoon Network of global animation channel, attracts attention as a genre of social avatar collection that debuts on SundayToz. It is characterized by utilizing the IPs of four popular animations from around the world, such ‘Power Puff Girl','Adventure Time of Finn and Jake','Gumball', and'We Bear Bears: Bear Brothers'. This new work, which will show various IP and characters implemented in 3D with animated graphics, avatar services, and social networking, will be elected to the Asian market.
Meanwhile, these games are expected to showcase in the domestic market after overseas launch and stabilization.
#Smilegate #SundayToz #New SundayToz #Anipang 4 #Powerpuff Girls #Shanghai Anyipang #Gumball #We Bare Bears #Adventure Time #BT21 #Avatar Game #SNG Puzzle #Social Casino Game #IP Game