SundayToz, “Nemo’s Ocean Life” New Contents Through Update 2021-07-15
■ SundayToz offers “Sea Adaptation Class” to complete missions and obtain new fish
■ Five kinds of fish can be obtained from "Sea Adaptation Class", positive response expected due to their unique appearances
■ User convenience updates in addition to new puzzle stages and sea adaptation class
[2021-0715] SundayToz (CEO Kim Jeong Sub, www.sundaytoz.com) announced on the 15th that it has updated new content and improved user convenience on its mobile game "Nemo's Ocean Life".
This update features Ray, a popular character in the animation, teaching “Sea Adaptation Class” to other fish that have come to the coral reef in order to adapt and survive. The "Sea Adaptation Class" includes missions to teach and foster other fish and collect five special types of fish.
Additionally, other contents such as fish development and village management are included in the update. Previously, there were 4 stages to fish development which has been updated to 10 stages. The change in appearance and decorations according to level adds to the fun of developing them. In the snack giving content, user convenience was improved by automatically moving the fish which was fed, to the back of the line. They also implemented a system so that fish movement does not overlap in order to add a sense of reality.
SundayToz team leader Yoo, Hyun-jun said, “We prepared village management, fish development, new puzzles, and user convenience components for this update. We will continue to provide weekly updates based on user feedback”.
“Nemo’s Ocean Life” is the second collaboration between SundayToz and Disney based on popular animation “Finding Nemo” IP. It is a mobile game with simulation, puzzle, and social aspects. “Nemo’s Ocean Life” includes diverse content such as collecting 125 species of fish and fostering, as well as 550 puzzle stages.
#Smilegate #SundayToz #Nemo’s Ocean Life #Mobile Game #Mixed Genre Game #Finding Nemo #New Content Update #Sea Adaptation Class