SundayToz Contributes to Burn Patients in Their Youth 2021-04-07

■ SundayToz supports 6 youth burn patients through a social contribution game event with users
■ Users of “Anipang Touch” and “Anipang Sichuan” will participate to support the patients
■ SundayToz "We hope to instill hope in these young people with the support and participation of users”
[2021-0407] SundayToz (CEO Kim Jeong Sub, www.sundaytoz.com) announced on the 7th that it will be holding a social contribution event with its users.
This social contribution event is to raise money for the surgery of 6 youth burn patients. To help these patients who are financially burdened, SundayToz will be supporting the cost of the surgeries once goals are met in the game. Given that the patients are teenagers in an important growth period, the company anticipates a lot of support and participation from its users of "Anipang Touch" and "Anipang Sichuan" in the relay event.
"Anipang Touch" is holding an event called "Ringo’s shiny glass bottle” where users clear the stages to collect 1.5 million stars from April 7th to April 13th. "Anipang Sichuan" will then hold a "Love Together" event from April 21st to April 27th to collect 10 million hearts acquired every time you play a game.
SundayToz team leader Kim, Tae-yeol said “We took the personal schedules of the patients into consideration to decide for users of these two games to participate in the event. We hope that these young kids will be able to get better and recover from the support”.
Any player of SundayToz’s “Anipang Touch” and “Anipang Sichuan” is able to participate for free in the social contribution event.
#Smilegate #SundayToz #Mobile Puzzle Game #Anipang Touch #Anipang Sichuan #Support for Burn Patients #Ringo’s Shiny Glass Bottle #Love Together Event #Social Contribution