Epic Seven x Guilty Gear – An Unbelievable Collaboration! New Hero … 2020-05-04
■ Epic Seven x Guilty Gear collaboration event back by popular demand!
■ Collaboration to bring new Hero "Elphelt Valentine" alongside improved rewards and events
[2020-0501] Since the event's end last April, players from all around the world have been eagerly requesting the return of the Guilty Gear collaboration, and now in 2020, Smilegate Megaport is bringing it back.
The Heroes "Sol Badguy," "Baiken," and "Dizzy" are available for three weeks starting April 30th, and the special Side Story, "Visitors from Another World", is also available for Heirs to play. Furthermore, players can receive Sol Badguy, his Artifact "Junkyard Dog," and the collaboration Artifact, "Portrait of the Saviors", all for free through this special Side Story. Alongside these three Heroes, the new Hero "Elphelt Valentine" will be available for the first time, with more information being announced in the coming days.
There will also be a special event running until May 28th in commemoration of the collaboration. Simply by logging onto the game for a week, players will receive a 4-5 star Hero Summon Ticket as well as other great rewards, with even more rewards available to players who log in for two or more consecutive days. Additionally, there will be four buff events running until May 10th, including a Free Unequip Event, increased Gold drops, and increased Rune drops.
The collaboration isn't the only new content this update is bringing. Epic Seven's protagonist "Ras" is receiving his long-awaited Specialty Change, and a new Labyrinth area, "Nixied's Sanctum Zone 4 - Icicle Cave," is now available as well. Last but not least, the Japanese media pack has been updated, allowing fans of the Japanese voiceover to enjoy even more of their favourite Heroes' voices in Japanese.
Smilegate Megaport's Business Department Manager Sanghoon Lee commented, "We've decided to rerun the Guilty Gear collaboration after one year, as was requested by many players. With all the new additions, including improved rewards and a brand new collaboration Hero, I'm confident that our players will enjoy themselves. We will do our best to introduce even more collaborations in the future."
More information about Epic Seven can be found on the official STOVE community (https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/main) and official Facebook page (http://facebook.com/EpicSevenGlobal).
#Smilegate #Smilegate Megaport #Super Creative #Epic Seven #Mobile Turn-Based RPG #Guilty Gear #Epic Seven Guilty Gear Collaboration #Epic Seven Update #Epic Seven New Hero #Elpert Valentine #Sol Badguy #Baiken #Dizzy #Other World visitors