Smilegate Group's COVID-19 Damage Support Spreads to Orange Farm Resid… 2020-03-23
■ Youth startup incubation centre Orange Farm's graduates and residents, donates 10M won, mask and talent to Smilegate Foundation
■ More than 200 general public who sympathize with the authenticity of Smilegate joined the donation
[2020-0323] Smilegate group and Smilegate Foundation announced on 23rd, that its support for COVID-19 damage had led Smilegate startup support program graduates and the general public to participate in donation.
First,'Team Tapas', a graduate of Orange Farm, a youth incubation centre of Smilegate, donated 10M won to Smilegate Foundation to join COVID-19 damage support. 'Team Tapas' made the hit mobile RGP 'Heros' restaurant' and 'Another wave' and became a promising startup.
As a resident of Orange Farm Jeonju Center, which opened in December last year, the startup "Yeoneul Damda", a wedding business that produces wedding dresses with the motif of Hanbok, delivered 1,000 pieces of self-made cotton masks for the elderly in Jeonju. "Thunder Games," a game developer that moved into the Orange Farm Busan Center, also provided 2,000 masks to overseas partners.
Also, Classum, a resident of Orange Farm Seocho Center, which operates the online learning communication platform, donated its talent by providing paid service 'online lecture room' to support colleges that are currently conducting online lectures due to COVID-19.
At the same time, the general public who sympathized to Smilegate's sincere efforts to overcome the damages of COVID-19, more than 200 public donors have donated over 8M won to Smilegate Foundation. Through this, a total of 20M won, including the donation from 'Team Tapas' was collected in Smilegate Foundation.
Smilegate Foundation director Kwon Yeon-ju said, "The participation of Smilegate creative/entrepreneurship programs to the Smilegate group's effort to overcome Corona19 will be a best practice for 'donation virtuous cycle'. "We will continue to look for various support plans to support the COVID-19 damage that is currently spreading globally."
Smilegate donated 1.2B won to support medical staffs and facilities in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, support for child welfare facilities in Seongnam-si, and support for temporary living facilities for immigrants overseas. The donation will continue. In the case of overseas, donated 10M RMB to the Chinese embassy in Korea to help Wuhan, China to overcome the damage from COVID-19.
Also, Smilegate is taking the lead in overcoming COVID-19 damages through win-win cooperation with its partners. Smilegate Stove, the group's platform service operator, decided to waive the fee for the March and April use of the VR game platform 'STOVE VR'. What is more, major contents providers), such as Ginisoft, AIX Lab, and Devolver Digital, also join the waive.
#Smilegate #Smilegate Group #Smilegate Foundation #Team Tapas #Orange Farm #Kites #Corona19 Support #Corona19 Overcome #Corona19 Support Relay #Good Influence Expansion