Smilegate Foundation Successfully Hosts Creative Exhibition Festival f… 2024-03-26
■ Hosting a place for exchanging the joy of creativity with approximately 150 children, youth, youth mentors, and teachers from ten community child centers nationwide
On February 27, Smilegate Foundation(Chairman Hyuk-bin Kwon) announced the successful hosting of PALETTE FESTA 2024, with a spirited reception from participants, at the Pangyo Smilegate Campus on February 24.
PALETTE is a creative community of Smilegate Foundation that supports children and youth in creative activities based on their interests with youth mentors. Smilegate Foundation hosts the PALETTE FESTA every year to display creative work from children, youth, and their mentors participating in the community as a way of sharing their creative experiences.
PALETTE FESTA 2024 hosted 10 teams consisting of approximately 150 children, youths, teachers, youth mentors, and parents from 10 community child centers nationwide that participate in the PALETTE community. Each team held creative workshops at their respective community child center communities, which are spread across Gyeonggi Province, Gangwon Province, Daegu, Jeonju, and other regions, for six months starting last September and showcased 32 types of creative work including games, webtoons, and videos at this year’s PALETTE FESTA. PALETTE FESTA 2024 also included the PALETTE Experience Sharing Event, where the creative work and experiences of all participating teams were introduced, and an Exhibit/Experience event where participants could directly experience the submitted creative work.
Last year, with donations from young entrepreneur companies including KOG, PUMPKIM, and VRECORD, three new communities, Jeonju Dongsan Community Child Center, Jeonju Seonneomeo Community Child Center, and Daegu Daeseo Community Child Center, were created to help even more children and youth participate in creative activities.
A metaverse platform was also prepared so that participants could enjoy PALETTE FESTA 2024 without time or space restrictions. The metaverse platform recorded the creative processes of the participants, and posted pictures and other materials to share their respective experiences for a more active exchange experience for all.
Smilegate Foundation Team Leader Yeon-ju Kwon, stated, “Recently, there has been a growing gap between environments where children and youth can discover their interests and joys to prepare for their career paths at children’s care facilities and welfare facilities,” and revealed, “Smilegate Foundation will continue its various efforts to support the discovery of interests and creative activities of children and youth in local communities to help them build a healthy future.”