SundayToz, Meal Support Event for Hungry Children 2021-05-12
■ SundayToz, user participatory social contribution event through its mobile games “Anipang 2” and “Anipang 3”
■ If users reach the goal of hearts used, SundayToz will donate the cost of providing breakfast for hungry children
■ SundayToz, "It will be a meaningful donation that will ease the burden on parents, teachers, and students"

[2021-0512] SundayToz (CEO Kim Jeong Sub, www.sundaytoz.com) announced on the 12th that it will hold a social contribution event with the users of "Anipang 2" and "Anipang 3".
SundayToz will be donating the cost of providing breakfast for hungry children if users of the two games reach the goals set in the games for the event. SundayToz's donation will be used to provide breakfast for 40 students from four schools, including elementary and middle schools in Seongnam, for a duration of six months.
“Anipang 2” will be holding its “Love 20 Million” event from May 12th to May 18th with the goal of users using 20 million hearts. “Anipang 3” will hold its "Love Fundraising Box" event from May 19th to May 25th with the goal of users using 25 million hearts. The company explained that the event holds more meaning because every user is able to participate in social contribution by using auto-generated hearts in puzzle play.
Director Park Sung Bin, in charge of servicing the games, said, “We expect the goals to be achieved early based on the average number of users and plays per day. We will prepare the best service for this meaningful event to ease the burden on parents, teachers, and students”.
Any user of SundayToz’s “Anipang 2” and “Anipang 3” can participate in this social contribution event for hungry children.
#Smilegate #SundayToz #Mobile Puzzle Game #Anipang 2 #Anipang 3 #Breakfast for Hungry Children #Love 20 Million Event #Love Fundraising Box Event #Social Contribution