Epic Seven undergoes large-scale gameplay update! 2021-05-28
■ Significant updates to improve overall game play experience
■ Various attempts to reduce the burden of acquiring and raising heroes while enhancing convenience
[2021-0528] Global hit mobile RPG “Epic Seven”, serviced by Smilegate Megaport (CEO Jang, In Ah) and developed by Super Creative (Co-CEO Kim Hyung-seok and Kang Ki-hyun), announced that it has made a large-scale game update to accommodate users with improved convenience and a more pleasant play experience.
The update consists of improvements that Epic Seven has developed based on various feedback from its users and is comprised of three major categories: ▲Hero acquisition improvement, ▲Hero growth improvement, and ▲Content improvement.
In the category of hero acquisition improvement, a new system called "Moonlight's Fate," which allows anyone to test and acquire moonlight five-star heroes, is gaining huge popularity. Users can select and use one of the six moonlight five-star heroes after completing Episode 1 of Chapter 1 “Door of the Covenant, Shrine Basement” in the beginning of the gameplay and are able to acquire it permanently once they have completed the missions related to the hero. In addition, the “Selection Summon” system has been improved to guarantee the appearance of five-star heroes in order to accommodate new Epic Seven users and their desire of acquiring heroes faster. This improvement also allows for users to temporarily save their current selection summon results. In addition, the difficulty of the "occupation system" for acquiring occupational heroes and the “Fate Mission” for acquiring certain heroes has been reduced to lessen the burden on users.
In the category of hero growth improvement, the improvement of the "Penguin system" used as the material for hero growth, is key. Penguin attributes are now integrated into a single attribute, allowing for efficient use regardless of the attributes of the possessive hero. Users will be awarded penguins according to the “penguin mileage” when using top-level heroes in the adventure and sub-story content, allowing for quicker growth of different heroes. In addition, a new item called the "Emergency Potion" that immediately turns the selected hero into a six-star hero will also significantly reduce hero growth time.
In the content improvement category, the increased overall acquisition of “Muragora” responsible for the skill enhancement of a hero and the decreased level of the use/recharge time of stamina further reduces the burden on users while playing. In addition, the overall convenience of the game is expected to increase by allowing users to intuitively check the location of “catalysts” used to strengthen skills.
This update also introduces a new moonlight hero “Kawerik” to the battlefield. Kawerik is a five-star shadow type hero capable of improving the overall combat power of the ally and protecting them from the opponent’s weakening effects, making him optimized for combat support.
"This multifaceted large-scale improvement update based on user feedback has been in the works by Epic Seven for a long time. Since its showcase on the second day of Epic Festival 2021, it has received a lot of attention and you will be able to feel a clear difference through actual gameplay. We at Epic Seven will continue to monitor and conduct internal reviews to create a more pleasant gameplay environment.” said Kwon Ik-hoon, director of Smilegate Megaport's headquarters.
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#Smilegate #Smilegate Megaport #Super Creative #Epic Seven #Mobile Turn-Based RPG