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전체 (43)
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Global News (41)
We Are
rs! MGC 2021을 통해 달라진 내일로 한 걸음!
2018년, 개발자의 전유물로 여겨지던 코딩이 초·중·고등학교 선택과목으로 당당히 자리 잡았다. 공교육에서 코딩 교육이 의무화된 이후 코딩에 대한 사회적 관심은 점진적으로 증가하는 추세다.‘Micro:bit Global Challenge 2021’(이하 MGC 2021)은 이러한 코딩 교육에 대한 갈증 해소와 함께 지속가능발전을 위한 글로벌 목표 해결의 의미까지 더해져 개최된 코딩 챌린지다. 마이크로비트(micro:bit)라는 코딩 교구를 활용, UN의 지속가능발전목표(UNSDG)에 대한 창의적인 아이디어를 프로젝트로 만드는 방식으…
코딩으로 내일을 바꾸고 싶은 청소년 모여라! 기획자와 함께 알아보는 MGC 2021
2015년, 제70차 UN 총회에서 2030년까지 지속가능발전목표(SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals)를 달성하기로 결의했다. 이 지속가능발전목표는 빈곤층 감소와 사회안전망 강화부터 지속가능한 생산과 소비, 기후변화 대응, 지구촌 협력 확대 등 다양한 주제를 다룬다.<UN 지속가능발전목표 (출처=지속가능발전포털)>이 목표들의 가장 큰 당사자는 현재 세대보다 이 문제들을 직접 피부로 느낄 다음 세대다. 그레타 툰베리(Greta Thunberg)와 같은 어린 환경운동가가 기후 변화 대책 마련을 촉…
Crossfire: Sierra Squad is the “VR-Game-Changer”
“Fresh technology makes fresh entertainment”KaySangkyoon Lee,Director of Crossfire: Sierra SquadThe CROSSFIRE franchise, having more than one billion players around the world, is one of the largest video game franchises in Korea. This coming summer of 2023, Crossfire: Sierra Squad, the first VR game…
[UNREAL ENGINE] CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad brings the FPS franchise to a new reality
※ Source:"CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad brings the FPS franchise to a new reality"published by Unreal Engine on February 23, 2023The CROSSFIRE franchise is a beloved free-to-play multiplayer juggernaut in regions throughout the world. Smilegate Entertainment has expanded the tense first-person shooter ser…
Future Lab's ‘Future Bee
2023,’ with Over 7,000 Child and Youth Participants Nationwide, Reaches Grand Finale
■ ‘Future Bee Challenge 2023’ explores solutions for social issues via digital technology, with 339 creative projects submitted through the event.■ Experts from MIT Media Lab (US), Stanford University (d.school), and San Francisco Exploratorium participating in Future Bee Challenge as advisorsA grou…
The Profound Coding Philosophy of the BBC in a Chip just Half the Size of Your Palm, for Nineteen Dollars
Gareth Stockdale, CEO of the BBC’s Micro:bit Educational Foundation, holds up a chip from Micro:bit as he explains the goal of coding education at Smilegate Campus (Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do) on November 2.“Is coding really that important? Why should we learn coding?”“Not everyone needs t…
Let’s Play!
’s ‘STOVE Indie’ Adding Excitement to BIC
■ Smilegate’s ‘STOVE Indie’ operating a booth at BIC until the 4th■ 31% of BIC participants have participated in Smilegate’s indie game developer aid program■ Exciting on-site events for user entertainment, including a free character standee giveaway eventThe offline event for Korea’s largest indie …
's CrossfireX to Release Massive Update Featuring New Map ‘Babylon’!
■New update trailer revealed at Gamescom’s Opening Night Live■System update with various new features including two new maps, ‘Babylon’ and ‘Satellite Base’, new mounts, and more!Smilegate Entertainment (CEO Ina Jang) has revealed that the company will release a massive update adding new maps and va…
Entertainment Celebrates CFS Grand Finals’ 10th event
CROSSFIRE Franchise Reaches 80 Countries Globally,670 Million Total Registered Users and 8 Million Concurrent Players Worldwidewith a Total of 1 Billion Cumulative in PC and mobile platformsSmilegate Entertainment, creators of the blockbuster billion-dollar franchise, CROSSFIRE, celebrates the 10th …
Epic Seven Global E-sports Tournament Epic Seven World Arena Championship 2022 event website opens!
■Epic Seven's official global e-sports tournament has returned with a huge increase of a total prize money of 100,000 USD - Users around the world are starting to determine the strongest in the real-time arena■New challenge as an e-sports event by introducing a new observer system and establishing a…