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언씬(UNSEEN) 2기 수료식 현장 스케치
활발한 소통과 적극적인 참여, 개발자로서 성장의 시작지난 6월 28일 금요일, 스마일게이트 퓨처랩에서 ‘언씬(UNSEEN) 2기’ 수료식이 열렸다. 언씬은 언리얼 엔진 프로그래머 양성을 위한 교육 프로그램으로, 스마일게이트 퓨처랩과 에픽게임즈 코리아가 공동 주최한다.스마일게이트 뉴스룸은 수료식 장소를 찾아 언리얼 개발자의 꿈을 꾸며 새로운 시작을 앞두고 있는 교육생들의 이야기를 들어보았다.교육생들의 인사이트 공유의 장, 미니 컨퍼런스수료식은 교육생들이 지난 4개월 간 시행착오를 겪으며 발견한 기술적 인사이트와 프로젝트 결과물을 공유…
Smilegate Opens Epic Seven World Arena Championship 2024!
■ Will embark on a long journey of approximately 2 months from preliminaries starting on the 6th to the final on 31st of August■ All matches to be broadcast through online channels in 4 languages (Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese)Epic Seven, a global hit mobile RPG developed by Super Creative a…
Smilegate, Wonderers Soft Launch Pre-registration Now Available
■ Pre-registration available in Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia with $30's Worth of Free Giveaways■ Diverse gameplay featuring 4v4 Realtime action PvP, roguelike dungeons, Minigames and moreSmilegate announced on the 11th that it will begin the Soft Launch Pre-registration of its new…
■ 自20日上午10点起中国区正式开服…通过充分的前期准备,于全球上线的大部分内容都得以呈现■ 预约人数突破400万名!在 iOS 应用商店、哔哩哔哩(Bilibili)和Taptap的预下载热度达到第一!■ 公开中国开服纪念特别版皮肤“红鸾墨羽”、特别版宠物和神器等由Smilegate提供服务,并由Super Creative开发的全球热门 RPG 手游《第七史诗》于20日(周二)宣布在中国正式开服。《第七史诗》于20日上午10点(当地时间)在苹果应用商店和各安卓市场正式开启服务。该游戏在中国全平台的预约人数突破了400万名,并且自19日开放预下载后,在iOS应用商店、哔哩哔哩(Bilibi…
Smilegate Epic Seven Officially Launches in China!
■ Official service in China begins at 10 AM on June 20, with most global service content already unveiled from thorough advance preparations■ Over 4 million pre-orders! Early access download figures rank No. 1 on iOS App Store, Bilibili, and Taptap!■ Special skin ‘Red Lotus Robes,’ special pet, arti…
Epic Seven Global E-sports Tournament Epic Seven World Arena Championship 2022 event website opens!
■Epic Seven's official global e-sports tournament has returned with a huge increase of a total prize money of 100,000 USD - Users around the world are starting to determine the strongest in the real-time arena■New challenge as an e-sports event by introducing a new observer system and establishing a…
[Forbes] What Is 'Lost Ark' And Why Is It Suddenly The Most Popular Game On Earth?
Lost Ark just had its official free-to-play launch yesterday, and as a result, not only blew away its previous playercount on Steam, which was already impressive, but it has landed itself a spot in gaming history.As of yesterday, Lost Ark has the second highest concurrent playercount ever on Steam. …
Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG’s Lost Ark Launches in North America, Europe, Latin America, and Oceania
Embark on an odyssey to claim the Lost Ark and save the land of Arkesia in this action-packed RPGfree to play and available now for PCFebruary 11, 2022—Today, Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG welcome players to journey into the land of Arkesia in Lost Ark, available now for PC via Steam. Lost Ark is a…
[The excitement of esports, beyond traditional sports] Part 3 | Overcoming COVID-19, a new leap of esports
In the '90s, when you say 'pro-gamers', everyone thought of 'Starcraft players'. The first generation of esports was represented by 'Starcraft'. As the game industry developed rapidly along with the PC cafés, many professional gamers appeared at that time. However, the term 'esports' was still unfa…
Epic Seven, New Moonlight Hero “Solitaria of the Snow” Update!
※ This article was written on April 16th, 2021■A hero who can limit the opponents’ behavior in many ways… Background story to be revealed in Episode 3 of the new chapter■Real-time PVP content “World Arena” opens new “Skyward Season”[2021-0416]Smilegate Megaport (CEO Ina Jang) announced on the 16…