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[EN] The Three Elements of Attracting Startup Investment: ‘People,’ ‘Teamwork,’ and ‘Marketability’
Principles of Startup Investment from Executive Director Yeong-min Kim of the Smilegate Investment Initial Investment TeamSmilegate Investment Executive Director Yeong-min KimSmilegate Investment (hereinafter referred to as ‘SIV’) is a venture capital (VC) firm with a vision of building a better fut…
[CH] 初创企业引资三要素:“人”、“团队合作”和“市场性”
Smilegate Investment初期投资组的金英民常务讲述的初创企业投资原则Smilegate Investment金英民常务Smilegate Investment(以下简称“SIV”)是一家相信“未来会与现在不同”,并意图通过投资活动创造更美好未来的专业VC(Venture capital)。它与Smilegate集团内部的非营利创业基金会Orange Planet建立了合作体系,在创业初期的初创企业投资领域发挥着协同效应。我们采访了发掘具有潜力的初创企业并做出投资决策的SIV初期投资组的金英民常务,听取了他作为“初创企业的成功伙伴”与他们携手共进的故事。Q. 请介绍一下自己,并介…
[CH] “Future Lab在创意、创作、创业生态圈掀起革新浪潮”
Smilegate Future Lab吴淑贤室长Smilegate园区地下一层设有一个特殊空间。那是一个孩子们可以进去,但父母不能进去的“No Parent Zone”,也是一个“没有规则就是规则”的地方。将孩子们的创意想法诞生为世界上独一无二作品的地方就是“Future Lab”。请吴淑贤室长—这位自2016年Future Lab成立以来,便一直投身于此的热情向导来介绍一下Future Lab正在创建的创意环境(Creative Environment)吧。Q. 请您先介绍一下Future Lab。Future Lab是由Smilegate社会贡献基金会希望工作室发起的倡议(Initiat…
[EN] “Future Lab, Making Waves of Innovation in the Creative and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”
Smilegate Future Lab Department Head Sook-hyeon OhThere is a special space in level B1 of the Smilegate Campus. It is a ‘No Parent Zone’ where only children are allowed to enter and ‘no rules is the governing rule.’ This is ‘Future Lab,’ where original creative work is born from the creative ideas o…
支援创意、创作及创业生态系统的建立与扩大 SmileGate在游戏业界首次 捐赠130亿韩元大企业与中小企业相生合作基金
■SmileGate集团签订130亿韩元大企业与中小企业相生合作基金捐赠业务协议■用于青年创业者、优秀初创公司、IP创作事业的发掘和培养等。 支援创意、创作及创业生态系统的建立和扩大[照片说明]14日下午在京畿道城南市板桥SmileGate办公大楼举行了SmileGate集团大企业与中小企业相生合作基金捐赠签约仪式,Smilegate Holdings代表成俊浩(左)、大·中小企业农渔业协力财团事务总长金永焕(右)正在合影留念。SmileGate集团(以下简称”SmileGate”)15日表示,为建立和扩大国内创意、创作及创业生态系统,将捐赠130亿韩元的大企业与中小企业相生合作基金(以下简称…
Aid for Building and Growing an Ecosystem for Creativity, Original Works, and Entrepreneurship Smilegate, the First Game Developer to Donate 13 Billion Won to the Win-Win Cooperation Fund
■Smilegate Group concludes business agreement to donate 13 billion won to the Win-Win Cooperation Fund■Donation to be used for the discovery and development of young entrepreneurs, promising startups, and IP creation projects as well as to provide aid for building and growing an ecosystem for creati…
Let’s Play! Smilegate’s ‘STOVE Indie’ Adding Excitement to BIC
■ Smilegate’s ‘STOVE Indie’ operating a booth at BIC until the 4th■ 31% of BIC participants have participated in Smilegate’s indie game developer aid program■ Exciting on-site events for user entertainment, including a free character standee giveaway eventThe offline event for Korea’s largest indie …
", a Smilegate startup foundation, publishes ‘Survival to Thrival’, a book that shares startup growth know-how
■Business startup and management overall know-how from foundation all the way to becoming a unicorn■"Silicon Valley's Pay It Forward Culture Shared" written by Taehee NamOrange Planet, a Smilegate startup foundation, announced on December 20 that it has published a new book called 'Survival to Thri…
Finding Start-ups to Kickstart Jeonbuk’s Start-up Ecosystem
※ This article was written on November 27st, 2020The second Jeonju start-up competition was held at Jeonbuk National University for young entrepreneurs and college students in the Jeonbuk region on November 20th. The event was hosted together by "Orange Planet" of Smilegate Foundation and the city o…
Spreading Joy and Hope to Future Generations through Donation! Smilegate Foundation’s GIVE
※ This article was written on July 20th, 2021There is a game company more sincere than anyone else in conveying hope. It is Smilegate Foundation. Smilegate Foundation is helping future generations grow into healthy members of society who will lead change in the world. There is Future Lab which supp…