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청춘은 이들처럼, 그들의 상상은 현실이 된다
게임과 서비스는 출시까지의 개발 과정이 초기 성과를 좌우하지만, 최종적으로 이를 완성하는 것은 출시 이후 유저 피드백을 통한 업데이트 및 폴리싱 과정이다. 사람과 마찬가지로 피드백을 통해 성장하는 셈이다. 적절한 시기의 피드백은 불필요한 시행착오를 줄이고, 나아가 향후 지속 가능한 개발 방향을 수립하는 데 중요한 역할을 한다.지난 1월 9일, 스마일게이트멤버십 창작부문 10기의 ‘오픈 베타 데이(Open Beta Day)’ 및 최종 수료식이 스마일게이트 캠퍼스에서 진행됐다. 이번 최종 결과물 시연회에는 약 200여 명의 스마일게이트…
“The battlefields of the nine lords have opened!” Smilegate officially launched new MMORPG, Lord Nine, on 12th
■ Officially launched game on 12th in four regions including Korea and Taiwan, with support for cross-platform play on PC and mobile devices■ To celebrate game launch with official community events as well as in-game attendance and subjugation events offering rewardsSmilegate announced on the 12th (…
“九位领主的战场拉开帷幕!” Smilegate, 新作 MMORPG《权力之望》12日正式上线!
■ 12日于韩国∙台湾等4个地区正式上线… 支持PC∙移动端跨平台联动■ 为纪念游戏上线,举行签到、讨伐等游戏内活动及官方社区活动以提供丰厚奖励Smilegate宣布,全职业(ALLCLASS)MMORPG《权力之望》(开发商NX3 Games)已于12日(周五)在包括韩国在内的4个地区正式上线。《权力之望》于12日正式在韩国、台湾、香港、澳门4个地区上线。这款游戏支持PC和移动端的跨平台联动。随着游戏的正式上线,玩家可以通过官方网站下载PC版本,或者通过Google Play和苹果App Store下载移动版本后进行游戏。Smilegate在《权力之望》上线之前,通过积极的沟通提升了用户的期…
[GAMEVU] Smilegate Leading the Future of VR Games with CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad
Smilegate Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as ‘Smilegate’) has claimed to lead the future of VR games with its new title, CROSSFIRE: Sierra Squad (hereinafter referred to as ‘Sierra Squad’). Smilegate unveiled the current development status and stories concerning the VR game market with Depart…
Smilegate STOVE Indie Unveils 2023 Infographics for Growth with Creators
■ Over 1,000 titles released, with RPGs recording the longest play time■ Three-digit increase in number of creator teams, total payment, number of teams participating in support programs, and user playtimeOn the 21st (Wed.), STOVE Indie, an independent game platform operated by Smilegate STOVE, unve…
‘Crossfire: Sierra Squad’ Becomes World’s Best-selling PlayStation Game!
■ World’s best-selling game just one month after official launch of PSVR2 title■ Grand Winner of “Sony PlayStation Game – VR/AR” category at NYX Game Awards■ Undergoing optimization and compatibility development for official PCVR title launch on SteamThe virtual reality (VR) game ‘Crossfire: Sierra …
Smilegate, Wonderers Soft Launch Pre-registration Now Available
■ Pre-registration available in Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia with $30's Worth of Free Giveaways■ Diverse gameplay featuring 4v4 Realtime action PvP, roguelike dungeons, Minigames and moreSmilegate announced on the 11th that it will begin the Soft Launch Pre-registration of its new…
Smilegate VR新作《穿越火线:Sierra Squad》全球同步上线!
■ PSVR2、PCVR(Steam)版全球同步上线,全新宣传片公开■ 以最逼真的打击感提升战斗乐趣,提供更出色的VR FPS体验Smilegate Entertainment(张仁娥代表)于8月29日(周二,太平洋标准时间)在全球同步推出了由其自主开发的虚拟现实(VR)游戏《穿越火线:Sierra Squad》(以下简称《Sierra Squad》)。《Sierra Squad》已登陆PlayStation®VR2(以下简称PSVR2)及PCVR(Steam Early access),PSVR2版的售价为$29.99美元,Steam Early access版打九折后的售价为$26.99美…
Crossfire: Sierra Squad Available Now On
VR2 and PCVR via Steam Early Access
SEOUL - August 29, 2023 - Today, Smilegate Entertainment, a leading developer of online multiplayer games, celebrated the worldwide launch ofCrossfire: Sierra SquadonPlayStation®VR2(PS VR2) and PCVR viaSteam Early Access. The intense arcade-style shooter was built from the ground up specifically for…
Smilegate Unveils Information on Launch of New VR Title ‘Crossfire: Sierra Squad’
■ PSVR2 and PCVR (Steam) versions to be released on August 29 for USD 29.99■ Highly-anticipated VR title with positive reviews all around that offers realistic VR shooting experienceSmilegate Entertainment (CEO In-a Jang) announced the global launch of a new virtual reality (VR) game developed by th…