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전체 (5)
Global News (4)
스마일게이트 이야기 (1)
Smilegate’s Metahuman YuA Cheers on Sponsored Children at Soccer Field
■ YuA appointed as ambassador for Hope Cup to fight hunger, delivers messages to cheer on children■ Continuously promoting “value of sharing” as campaign ambassadorSmilegate announced on the 12th that its metahuman, YuA, had visited the training field of the Koren national football team that will so…
[The excitement of esports, beyond traditional sports] Part 3 | Overcoming COVID-19, a new leap of esports
In the '90s, when you say 'pro-gamers', everyone thought of 'Starcraft players'. The first generation of esports was represented by 'Starcraft'. As the game industry developed rapidly along with the PC cafés, many professional gamers appeared at that time. However, the term 'esports' was still unfa…
[Orange Planet] Oriental Medicine Meets the 4th Industrial Revolution, “MediK System”
“MediK System”, an occupant of Orange Planet Jeonju Center, is a healthcare company that develops solutions for oriental medicine pharmacies based on ICT (Information and Communication Technology). It incorporates new technologies of the 4th industrial revolution into the oriental medicine industry.…
Smilegate's attitude towards ceremonies in the "Ontact" era!
|Smilegate's "Ontact" solution to a world changed by COVID-19Everything is changing around us. Social distancing continues because of COVID-19, which is leading to more changes. The way we work is changing from going to the office to working from home, and it has become harder to grab a meal at a re…
2024 호프컵과 함께한 메타휴먼 한유아
'2024 호프컵'이 코로나19 이후 6년 만에 한국에서 개최되었습니다.국제구호개발 NGO ‘희망친구 기아대책’이 개최하는 축구대회 '호프컵(HOPE CUP)'은전 세계 아이들이 축구라는 도전을 통해 자신의 잠재력을 발견하고,꿈을 키울 수 있도록 응원하는 희망의 대회입니다.메타휴먼, 한유아는 오랜 기간 기아대책 홍보대사로 활동하며친환경 자선 바자회에 참여해 수익금을 기부하는 등 선한 영향력을 펼쳐왔는데요, 올해는 YB밴드의 윤도현 가수와 함께 호프컵 엠버서더로 발탁되었답니다!호프컵 캠페인 엠버서더로 발탁된 유아,대한민국 대표팀 훈련…